Why Wont Codepen Let Me Upload Images

Images are critical for every website and application today. Whether it be marketing banners, product images or logos, it is impossible to imagine a website without images. Sadly though, images are large in size making them the single largest contributor to the page size.

Equally per the latest HTTP Annal data, the median page size on desktops is 1511 KB. Images make up for near 650 KB of that size, roughly 45% of the total page size. Now, since we cannot do away with images, we need to make our web pages load fast with them.

In this guide, nosotros will talk about lazy loading images, a technique that helps amend the page load fourth dimension and reduces page size, while withal retaining all the images on the page.

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What is Paradigm Lazy Loading?

Lazy Loading Images is a ready of techniques in spider web and application evolution that defer the loading of images on a page to a after point in fourth dimension - when those images are really needed, instead of loading them up front. These techniques help in improving performance, better utilization of the device'due south resources, and reducing associated costs.

Here is a quick video to assist yous empathise better:

The word "lazy" in the English is oft attributed to the act of fugitive piece of work equally long as possible.

Similarly, lazy loading defers the loading of resources on the page till they are actually needed. Instead of loading these resource equally soon every bit the page loads, which is what normally happens, the loading of these resources is put off till the moment the user actually needs to view them.

The technique of lazy loading can be applied to near all the resources on a page. For instance, in a single page application, if a JS file is not needed until later, it is best non to load it initially. If an image is non needed upwardly front, load it later when it really needs to be viewed.

Why become for lazy loading images at all?

Lazy Loading defers the loading of an image that is not needed on the page immediately. An image, not visible to the user when the page loads, is loaded later when the user scrolls and the paradigm actually becomes visible. If the user never scrolls, an paradigm that is non visible to the user never gets loaded.

It carries 2 chief advantages.

1. Functioning Comeback

This is the most important ane for you as a website ambassador - better operation and load time.

With lazy loading, you are reducing the number of images that need to exist loaded on the page initially. Lesser resources requests mean lesser bytes to download and bottom contest for the limited network bandwidth available to the user. This ensures that the device is able to download and process the remaining resources much faster. Hence, the page becomes usable much sooner as compared to one without lazy loading.

2. Toll reduction

The second benefit for yous is in terms of commitment costs. Prototype delivery, or delivery of any other asset, is commonly charged on the ground of the number of bytes transferred.

As mentioned earlier, with lazy loading, if the image is not visible, it never gets loaded. Thus, you reduce the total bytes delivered on the page., especially for users that bounce off the page or interact with only the top portion of the page. This reduction in bytes transferred from your commitment network reduces commitment costs. This will become more credible equally we explore lazy loading further.

Which Images can be Lazy Loaded?

The basic idea of lazy loading is unproblematic - defer loading anything that is not needed right now. For images it unremarkably translates to whatsoever epitome that is not visible to the user upwardly front can be lazy loaded.

As the user scrolls down the page, the image placeholders get-go coming into viewport (visible function of the webpage). We trigger the load for these images when they become visible.

You lot tin can find out which images are a candidate for lazy loading and how many bytes y'all can save on the initial page load by using Google Lighthouse audit tool. The audit performed past this tool has a department dedicated for offscreen images. You tin also use ImageKit'southward website analyzer to place if your website uses lazy loading or not, in addition other critical image-related optimizations on your folio.

Lazy loading is critical not only for practiced performance, just also to evangelize a good user experience.

Lazy Loading Techniques for images

Images on a webpage can exist loaded in two ways - using the <img> tag, or using the CSS `background` holding. Allow'south first look at the more common of the two, the <img> tag, and then move on to CSS background images.

The general concept of lazy loading images in <img> tag

Lazy loading images can exist broken downwards into two steps:

Pace one is to prevent the paradigm load up front. For images loaded using the <img> tag, the browser uses the src aspect of the tag to trigger the prototype load. Irrespective of whether it is the 1st or the 1000th prototype in your HTML and well off-screen, if the browser gets the src attribute, information technology would trigger the image load.

Thus, to lazyload such images, put the image URL in an attribute other than src. Let's say we specify the paradigm URL in the data-src attribute of the epitome tag. At present that src is empty, the browser doesn't trigger the prototype load

              <img information-src="https://ik.imagekit.io/demo/default-image.jpg" />            

Now that we've stopped the upfront load, we need to tell the browser when to load the paradigm.

For this, we check that as soon every bit the image (i.e., its placeholder) enters the viewport, we trigger the load.

To check when an paradigm enters the viewport, there are two ways:

Trigger epitome load using Javascript events

In this technique, nosotros apply outcome listeners on the scroll, resize, and orientationChange events in the browser. The whorl event is an obvious one to check when the user scrolls the page. The resize and orientationChange events are every bit of import for lazy loading. The resize event occurs when the size of the browser window changes. The orientationChange upshot gets triggered when the device is rotated from landscape to portrait mode, or vice versa. In such cases, the number of images that become visible on the screen volition change. Therefore, we'll need to trigger a load for these images.

When either of these events occur, we observe all the images on the page that are to exist lazy loaded and haven't been loaded yet. From these images, we check which ones are now in the viewport. This is done using the image's top offset, the current document scroll top, and window height. If information technology has entered the viewport, we selection the URL from data-src attribute and put information technology in the src attribute. This triggers the image load. Nosotros likewise remove the class lazy that identifies the images to be lazily loaded for events that trigger later. Once all the images are loaded, we remove the event listeners.

When nosotros coil, the gyre issue triggers multiple times rapidly. Thus, for functioning, we add a pocket-sized timeout that throttles the lazy loading function execution.

Hither is a working case of this arroyo.

If y'all notice, the first 3 images in the example are loaded up front end. The URL is nowadays straight in the src attribute instead of the data-src attribute. This is essential for a good user feel. Since these images are at the top of the page, they should be made visible as soon equally possible. Nosotros must non wait for an effect or JS execution to load them.

Using Intersection Observer API to trigger image loads

Intersection Observer API is a relatively new API in browsers. It makes it really simple to discover when an element enters the viewport, and take an action when it does. In the previous method, nosotros had to bind events, continue performance in mind, and implement a fashion to summate if the element was in the viewport or non. The Intersection Observer API makes this really elementary, helps avoid the math, and delivers great performance.

An instance of using the Intersection Observer API to lazy load images:

We attach the observer on all the images to exist lazy loaded. Once the API detects that the element has entered the viewport, using the isIntersecting property, we choice the URL from the data-src attribute and move it to the src attribute for the browser to trigger the image load. Once this is done, we remove the lazy grade from the image, and as well remove the observer from that image.

If you compare the time taken to load an image in both the methods, event listeners vs Intersection Observer, you would find that using the Intersection Observer API, the prototype load is triggered much quicker, and nonetheless the site doesn't appear sluggish on scrolling. In the method involving event listeners, we had to add together a timeout to make it performant, which has a marginal impact on the user experience as the image load is triggered with a slight delay.

However, the back up for Intersection Observer API is not bachelor across all browsers. Hence, we demand to autumn dorsum to the event listener method in browsers where the Intersection Observer API is not supported. Nosotros have taken this into business relationship in the example above.

Native Lazy Loading

In their most contempo update, Google has added support for native lazy loading in the Chrome browser's latest version - Chrome 76. All Chromium-based browsers, i.e., Chrome, Border, and Safari, and Firefox. You tin can find more details about browser support for native lazy loading on caniuse.com.

With browser-side support coming into play, at present, developers only need to add a "loading" attribute when embedding images, to implement lazy loading on their websites.

In fact, one does non need to even exist a developer to get this washed. Some bones knowledge of HTML is plenty to implement the "loading" attribute, making this feature accessible to many more website admins.

And so the lawmaking would now await similar -

              <img src="instance.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="..." /> <iframe src="example.html" loading="lazy"></iframe>            

The post-obit values are supported by the loading attribute:

  • lazy - Deferring the loading of assets till it reaches a certain distance from the viewport.
  • eager - loading the assets as soon as the folio loads, irrespective of where they are placed on the page, whether above or below the page fold.
  • motorcar - This value triggers default lazy loading. Basically, it's the same as non including the loading attribute.

Nevertheless, for browsers that exercise not back up native lazy loading, the aforementioned techniques for implementing of information technology demand to be applied.

Equally covered later in this weblog, to prevent the surrounding content from reflowing when a lazy-loaded paradigm is downloaded, make sure to add height and width attributes to the <img> chemical element or specify their values straight in an inline style:

              <img src="image1.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="…" width="300" height="300"> <img src="image2.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="…" style="acme:300px; width:300px;">            

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Lazy Loading CSS Background Images

After <img /> tags, background images are the most mutual way to load images on a webpage. For <img /> tags, the browser has a very simple arroyo - if the image URL is bachelor, let's load the image.

With CSS background images it is non that straightforward. To load CSS background images, the browser needs to build the DOM (Document Object Model) tree, too as the CSSOM (CSS Object Model) tree, to decide if the CSS style applies to a DOM node in the electric current certificate.

If the CSS rule specifying the background image does not employ to an element in the document, then the browser does not load the background epitome. If the CSS dominion is applicable to an element in the current document, then the browser loads the image.

This may seem complex at start, merely this aforementioned behavior forms the basis of the technique for lazy loading background images. In simple terms, we play tricks the browser into non applying the background image CSS belongings to an element till that element comes into the viewport.

Hither is a working case that lazy loads a CSS groundwork image.

1 matter to note here is that the Javascript lawmaking for lazy loading is still the aforementioned. We are using the Intersection Observer API method with a fallback to the issue listeners. The fox lies in the CSS.

The chemical element with ID bg-image has a background-image specified in the CSS. However, when the grade lazy is added to this chemical element, in the CSS we override the groundwork-image property and gear up information technology to none.

Since the rule, combining #bg-image with .lazy class has a college preference in CSS than only #bg-image, the browser applies the property groundwork-epitome: none to the chemical element initially. When we scroll down, the Intersection Observer (or result listeners) detects that the epitome is in the viewport and removes the form lazy. This changes the applicable CSS and applies the actual background-image property to the element triggering the load of the background paradigm.

Better user experience with lazy loading images

Lazy loading presents a neat operation do good. For an e-commerce company that loads hundreds of product images on a page, lazy loading can provide a meaning comeback in initial page load fourth dimension while decreasing the bandwidth consumption.

Nevertheless, a lot of companies do non opt for lazy loading because they believe it goes against delivering a keen user experience quoting reasons like "the initial placeholder is ugly", "the load times are slow", etc.

How can we solve such concerns around user experience with lazy loading of images?

1. Using the right image placeholders

A placeholder is what appears in the container until the actual image is loaded. Normally, nosotros see developers using a solid color placeholder for images, or a single paradigm as a placeholder for all images.

We used the aforementioned in our case code equally well. A solid calorie-free grayness color is used for all our image backgrounds. However, we tin can do better to provide a more pleasing user experience.

A expect at some examples of amend placeholders for our images:

a) Dominant colour placeholder

Instead of using a fixed color for the prototype placeholder, we find the dominant color from the original image and apply that as a placeholder.

This technique has been used for quite some time in Google image search results and Pinterest.

Sample prototype picked from Manu.ninja

This might wait complex to achieve, but a very uncomplicated manner of accomplishing this is to first scale down the prototype to a 1x1 pixel and then scale information technology up to the size of the placeholder - a very rough approximation, but a uncomplicated, no-fuss way to get a single ascendant color.

Using ImageKit, the dominant color placeholder tin can be obtained using a chained transform in ImageKit every bit shown here:

Dominant color placeholder image URL instance using ImageKit

              <!-- Original image at 400x300 --> <img src="https://ik.imagekit.io/demo/img/image4.jpeg?tr=w-400,h-300" alt="original image" />  <!-- Dominant colour image with same dimensions --> <img src="https://ik.imagekit.io/demo/img/image4.jpeg?tr=due west-ane,h-ane:westward-400,h-300" alt="dominant color placeholder" />            

The placeholder image is simply 661 bytes in size, as compared to the original image which is 12700 bytes, making it 19x smaller . And it provides a more pleasant transition experience from placeholder to the actual image.

Here'southward a video demonstrating how this effect works for the user:

You tin can view the working example and code for using dominant colour placeholder here.

b) Depression quality image placeholder (LQIP)

We tin can expand the above idea of using a ascendant color placeholder further.

Instead of using a single color, we employ a very depression-quality, blurred version of the original image as the placeholder. Not only does it await ameliorate, information technology likewise gives the user some idea nigh what to wait in the actual image, while giving the perception that the image load is in progress. This is bang-up for improving the perceived loading feel.

This technique has been utilized past the likes of Facebook and Medium.com for images on their websites and apps.

LQIP image URL example using ImageKit

              <!-- Original image at 400x300 --> <img src="https://ik.imagekit.io/demo/img/image4.jpeg?tr=w-400,h-300" alt="original image" />  <!-- Depression quality image placeholder with same dimensions --> <img src="https://ik.imagekit.io/demo/img/image4.jpeg?tr=w-400,h-300,bl-30,q-l" alt="ascendant color placeholder" />            

The LQIP is 1300 bytes in size, nigh 10x smaller than the original image, and a significant improvement in terms of visual experience over whatsoever other placeholder technique.

Hither'southward a video demonstrating how this issue works for the user:

You tin can view the working case and code for using LQIP technique hither.

Information technology is evident from the video samples of the 2 techniques to a higher place, that using ascendant-colour placeholders or using depression-quality image placeholders provides a smoother transition from the placeholder to the actual epitome, while giving the user an idea of what'southward to come and improves loading perception.

2. Adding some buffer time for image load

When we discussed different methods to trigger paradigm load above, we checked for the betoken of fourth dimension where the epitome enters the viewport, i.due east. when the top edge of the prototype placeholder coincides with the lesser border of the viewport.

The problem
Often, users scroll swiftly through the page, and the image needs some time to load and announced on the screen. In this scenario, combined with the fact that the load image event might exist triggered with a filibuster because of throttling, yous would oftentimes face the scenario where the placeholders come into the viewport, the user waits for a few milliseconds while the image loads up. This filibuster makes for a poor user experience.

While using Intersection Observers to load the image or using low-quality paradigm placeholders provides better loading performance and user feel, at that place is another simple play a joke on that yous can use to ensure that the images are always loaded completely when they enter the viewport - introduce a margin to the trigger point for images.

The solution
Instead of loading the paradigm but when they exactly enter the viewport, load the images when they are, let's say, 500px away from entering the viewport. This provides boosted time, between the load trigger and the actual entry in the viewport, for the images to load.

With the Intersection Observer API, you lot can utilize the `root` parameter along with the `rootMargin` parameter (works as standard CSS margin dominion), to increase the effective bounding box that is considered to find the "intersection".

With the event listener method, instead of checking for the deviation between the image edge and the viewport edge to be 0, we tin can utilize a positive number to add some threshold.

The example here uses a 500px threshold to load images.

As evident from the video below (monitor the network requests closely actualization at the bottom), while scrolling, when the third image is in view, the 5th paradigm gets loaded. When the 4th prototype comes into the view, the 6th epitome gets loaded. This manner we are giving sufficient time for the images to load completely and in virtually cases, the user won't come across the placeholder at all.

In example you haven't noticed yet, in all our examples, the tertiary image (image3.jpg) is always loaded upwardly front, fifty-fifty though it's outside the viewport. This was also done post-obit the same chief - load slightly in advance instead of loading exactly at the threshold for meliorate user experience.

If you are using the native image lazy loading method, browsers automatically summate this altitude from the viewport threshold to determine when the browser should trigger the paradigm load. Browsers consider the image type, network speed, and data-saver setting in the browser to decide this threshold, keeping in listen developer expectations and user experience.

3. Fugitive content shifting with lazy loading

This is another trivial bespeak which, if solved, tin assistance maintain a adept user experience.

The problem
When at that place is no image, the browser doesn't know the dimensions of the content that is to exist displayed in the enclosing container. And if we practice not specify it using CSS, the enclosing container would have no dimensions, i.due east. 0 10 0 pixels. So, when the image gets loaded, the browser would resize the enclosing container to fit the paradigm.
This sudden modify in the layout causes other elements to movement around and information technology is called content shifting. As demonstrated in this content shifting article & video from Smashing Magazine, it's a rather unpleasant experience for a user equally the content moves suddenly when the prototype loads.

The solution
This can be avoided by specifying a pinnacle and/or width for your enclosing container so that the browser can paint the epitome container with a known height and width. Later, when the image loads, since the container size is already specified and the image fits into that perfectly, the residuum of the content around the container stays put.

four. Do non lazy load all the images

This is another error the developers often commit - lazy load all the images on the page. This might reduce the initial folio load, but would likewise event in bad user experience as a lot of images, fifty-fifty the ones at the top of the webpage, won't show up till the Javascript gets executed.

Here are some general principles to follow to place which images should be lazy loaded.

a) Whatsoever paradigm that is nowadays in the viewport, or at the beginning of the webpage, should not be lazy loaded. This applies to any header image, marketing banner, logos, etc., as the user should run into them equally shortly as the page loads.

Also, as mobile and desktop devices have different screen sizes, they will have a different number of images that will be visible on the screen initially. So you need to accept into account the device blazon to decide which resources to load upwardly front and which to lazy load.

b) Any image that is just slightly off the viewport should not be lazy loaded. This is based on the point discussed earlier - load slightly in advance. So, let'southward say, whatever epitome that is 500px or a single gyre from the bottom of the viewport tin can exist loaded up front equally well.

c) If the page isn't too long, may exist just a single curl or 2, or if in that location are less than 5 images outside the viewport, then lazy loading tin be avoided altogether.

It would non provide any significant benefit to the finish user in terms of performance. The boosted JS that y'all load on the page to enable lazy loading will get-go any benefit reaped from lazy loading such a small number of images.

Javascript dependency of Lazy Loading

The unabridged idea of lazy loading is dependent on the availability of Javascript execution capabilities in the user'due south browser. Though native lazy loading promises to remove this dependency, with browser support still close to seventy%, if you are to provide the same experience across all browsers, you would nevertheless need to utilise JS libraries.

While about of your users would have Javascript execution enabled in their browser, equally information technology is essential for almost all websites these days, you may want to plan for users that do non allow javascript execution or use a browser that doesn't support javascript at all.

Yous could either show them a message telling them why the images won't load and that they need to switch to a modernistic browser or enable Javascript. Or you can use the noscript tag to create a usable experience for these users every bit well. Using the <noscript> tag arroyo for such users has some gotchas.

This thread on Stack Overflow does a great job addressing these concerns, and is a recommended read for anyone looking to address this ready of users.

Since browser environments and implementation details can vary across browsers and devices, it is all-time to utilise a tried and tested library for lazy loading.

Here is a list of popular libraries and platform specific plugins that will let you to implement lazy loading with minimal endeavour

yall.js (Yet Some other Lazy Loader)

  • Uses Intersection Observer and falls back to issue-based lazy loading.
  • Supports all major HTML element types but non background-images.
  • Works on IE11+ also.


  • Very popular and extensive functionality.
  • Supports responsive images srcset and sizes attribute as well.
  • High operation even without Intersection Observer.

jQuery Lazy

  • A elementary, jquery based lazy loading library.

WeltPixel Lazy Loading Enhanced

  • A Magento ii extension for lazy loading images.

Magento Lazy Image Loader

  • A Magento 1.x extension for lazy loading images.

Shopify Lazy Prototype Plugin

  • A Shopify extension for lazy loading images.
  • It is paid though.

Wordpress A3 Lazy Load

  • Image lazy loading plugin for Wordpress.

How to test if lazy loading is working?

Once you lot take implemented lazy loading, you'll want to check if the behaviour of images on your website is every bit intended. The simplest way is to open developer tools in Chrome browser.

Go to Network Tab > Images.

Here, when you refresh the page for the start fourth dimension, only the images that are to be loaded up front should become loaded. So, as you lot start scrolling down the page, other image load requests would get triggered and loaded.

You can also notice the timings for image load in the waterfall column in this view. It would aid yous identify epitome loading issues, if any, or problems in triggering the image load.

Another manner would be to run the Google Chrome Lighthouse audit report on your page after you have implemented the changes, and look for suggestions under the "Offscreen images" department.


Nosotros take covered near everything related to lazy loading images in this guide. Lazy loading, if implemented correctly, will significantly amend the loading performance of your spider web pages, reduce folio size and delivery costs past cutting down on unnecessary resources loaded upwardly front, while keeping the necessary content intact on the folio. With faster loading pages comes a great user experience, something your visitors would dearest.

So, what are you waiting for? Become started with lazy loading images now!

Are you lot optimizing your website images? No? Go started with ImageKit's paradigm  CDN & optimization tool for costless now!


Source: https://imagekit.io/blog/lazy-loading-images-complete-guide/

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